After much contemplation and outright stewing over this issue, I decided to bring it to blog and let it all hang out. Its not "slander" if its true, right? Okay, so maybe I can be a little anonymous about this.. but I won't lie to anyone who out right asks me the right questions, either. Fair enough?
Okay.. so where do I start?
About ten years ago, give or take whatever, I had a chat "friend" named Kathleen, who lived near Bremmerton, Washington. Kathleen was divorced with 2 or 3 young boys, in an apartment on social security disability. She dabbled with graphic design and she hosted a free site, probably at Geocities, if I remember right, with free personal web graphic sets.
I have and had no problem with the above statistical information of this "friend". Life hands us all different cards and we do what we can, in most circumstances.
Kathleen quickly became one of those friend's who would offer to help you with something, or give you something she could design or had knowledge about, "for a fee". On the other hand, she also seemed to breathe to drill me with questions to fill her own empty knowledge bank. The scales were very uneven in this arena, but I felt that it was tiny, in the grand perspective of life, and I could push through this and just try to open up to her.
Fast forward slightly..
Kathleen decides that she wants to venture into web design and sell her graphic sets, keeping her sets related to "kids" free for personal use. Her domain was something with kats or katz and kids or kidz in it, if I recall correctly. I'm big on using "z" for "s" so I'm not sure if she did or not, now. It doesn't really matter for this story.
Kathleen and I shared each other's dreams of our businesses that we were building, among the hustle and bustle of being young, single mom's. My dream was a little wider than hers, but she had the skills of graphic design on her side and that was much more than I could say for my own designing that I was doing.
My business plan had some web design, with hired graphic designer's, as a side note to a much larger picture that included everything that the small or home-based business could/would need to function in everyday, virtual becoming America.
As time passed, Kathleen started web designing. I don't remember on what scale that she did this. She seemed to never need to sleep and had a brain that could absorb orange juice fed in very large quantities. My brain fog life just could not keep up with the knowledge base that she was acquiring. At the same time, we still were on a give/take relationship, at this point. I gave. She took and offered a joking "for a fee" response to anything I asked about.
My frustrations and worries for Kathleen and her boys only grew larger, as she would talk about eviction notices for her apartment, then her mother bailing her out, with rent money, or taking her to a local food bank. Let me not forget to inform you that her money was leaving her pocket's, left and right to domain name registration and web hosting fees. Every day she had either a new discovery or a huge dilemma. She exhausted me and I became very busy planning a wedding.. my own.
In a rather short period of time, we drifted apart, got caught up into our own "new" lives and found each other, again, about two years, or so, later.
Kathleen was doing very well, for herself and her little family. She had stopped playing with graphics, staying up all night, and was also not designing web pages anymore.
Her business focused on domain name registrations and web hosting. Sound familiar to anyone that knows me? *smile*
Kathleen had moved out of her little apartment, had a house built for her family and her business, and had several employees that came to her home business, each day, who pretty much ran the show for her, while she was very busy with being a mom to busy and challenging children. I'm not sure how her mother fit into all of this, but she was an every day part of conversation, as well.
At the time, I was still living in Jacksonville, Florida. She hooked me up to chat with her ex-husband and well, he was a really nice guy. I'm not quite sure how to put the puzzle together for each of them, because I knew them well enough to wonder why they had divorced, not much unlike my circumstance, then, with my ex-husband.
He even had a hosting account for his personal domain, with her business, too!
Okay, so here I was, two year's later, in pretty much the same financial boat I was in before, as I shared my dreams of what I wanted my business to become.. and here she was, someone I couldn't quite communicate with.. someone above me and out of my social league, so to speak.
I looked into Kathleen's business because she had set up a very simple, easy to modify and personalize, knowledge base of files, forms, legalities, etc for the base business model I desired. I could feed off some of her knowledge and accomplishments, the way she wanted it done.. "for a fee". I never really considered that I was paying her to be my friend, and for the most part, I adapted her models to help my own business start where I wanted it to go.
I was adding web hosting and internet resources to my virtual assisting business, to further some income models for me, while I could increase what I could offer to my established and growing business circle. It seemed win/win and I was very pleased that she was willing to help me, too.
For about two years, I registered all my domains through Kathleen's business. I paid her monthly for web hosting and suffered tremendously with a huge lack of customer service or care on the part of her tech support. I had too much knowledge for them, and when I had finally given up trying to help myself, I was insulted with their lack of listening skills and the constant merry-g0-round of emails that really didn't help me, at all, and only seemed to really waste my time.
So, one day I emailed Kathleen directly and explained to her my serious issues. She was very kind and fixed my problems right away. I felt as if her tech support wanted to teach me how to double-click when my problems were about broken links in a system that was their side supported! She also told me to only contact her, in the future and that she would take care of me. I felt this great sense of relief. I finally felt that I could take back some that I had spent year's giving. Not that I want any friendship equally balanced.. but there is a point where fair needs to play ball, too.
In October 2001, I finally found my niche. I registered my domain name: It was my central nervous system to my home and business life. My children and I all had our web based email at that domain and it was quite a catchy phrase that fit well on my business cards, too. Life was good.
About a year, or so, later, Kathleen's business had expanded to some different arena's. She was quite secretive about her changes and I wasn't quite sure where her business was based and what she actually did anymore.. but she was doing well and I was proud of how far she had come.
As part of her expansion, she contracted with a different company for better virtual dedicated server's. She offered her current client's the option to move to the new server's or to wait it out for the complete transition.. that I don't think ever fully happened, the way we thought it was going to happen. I moved to the new server's immediately and expanded my business avenue greatly.
Before the complete transfer to the new system.. something happened that devastated her business, or so it appeared, over night. From what I could understand, whichever group of server's that I was not hosting on, were "spammed" or hit in some fashion, and the domains she had (for herself and her clients) on those servers were frozen. This would not have been an overwhelming damaging situation for her, because she was split on two different companies and could move them over, if time was in her favor.. which its not in a virtual demanding world.
At the same time that her clients were pulling out, because their domains were frozen and inaccessible, her own automated billing domains were also hosted on the frozen server's. She quickly went into litigation and fell into a growing tornado of nightmares. She couldn't bill her clients, so she couldn't pay her own bills. Her client files were just as inaccessible on the server's, too. Overnight, we were given "bankruptcy" notices and a final closing date to move our domains to our own new hosting server's.
I had a little cushion, because my domains were transferable and not part of the litigation with the other parent company. My credit cards weren't being billed for the hosting that I was receiving, but I was immediately threatened.
Two days before the final date, I emailed notices of name server changes. I had moved my domains, temporarily to a horrible hosting option, that later came back to bite me, but not as hard as what Kathleen did to me and my business.
None of my domains were transferred. NONE! I had my client base on paper and my own hard drive's, so I didn't lose that, but all my client's lost their domains, too. My children and I immediately had no email, too.
Kathleen's business vanished, or so it appeared. Within a few weeks, my domain name registrations had a new admin business name contact on them. I contacted her, briefly, and was pitched sales info for how to register with the new business. I had already paid to renew them and host them for a year somewhere else!
What I didn't know, was that she had continued her endless idea's of future domain names and had set up a new niche, for herself, and as is part of the American dream, not a whole lot changed for her business model, it just got a face lift and a new name. She had learned some hard lessons. Or so I thought.
For the last 3-4 years, after I had moved away from Florida, moving my business and home addresses.. I waited for the anniversary dates of the domain name registrations.. or rather their expiration dates. Every year, she renewed my domain names.
The whois database showed the two I needed the most, registered with two different registrars. They still showed my name as the registered owner. One had my previous address and the other had my address prior to that, on it. They were only being renewed for one year, at a time, so I just "kept keepin' on" as my step-momma would say.
I had contacted one of the registrar's for information about the legalities of this issue. It is technically "hijacking" in the modern of times we live in. The registrar told me that I had to prove I was the information on the registrations. I couldn't do that. My phone and address were no longer in Florida. Neither was she, for that matter.
So, last week, as I'm on hold with tech support for some domain issues, I plug in those old domains into the whois database that I'm staring at. "And what to my wandering eyes should appear?"
A new registrar name!
About this time, the blasting music stops and on the line is a tech, and I had to refocus.
The next day, I get back and do a more thorough whois "investigation" and I simply can't believe what I found. First, to my surprise, all of my domains have been released, now, except!
In February, it was placed under private registration. Now, this is where I must tell all of you that this could easily happen to you, extremely differently than it happened to me, too. Let me continue explaining what appears to be "known" now, first.
When a domain name is registered "private", the name, address, and phone number of the person registering it, is hidden from public view. So it appears that I'm not on the registration information anymore.
At the bottom of the page there is a link to report false data connected to the whois report. I thought long and hard about this. Basically, what this means, is that if I can prove that an address is invalid, because postal mail was returned, or an email is invalid because email has bounced, then I can report false information. However, none of this information is available in a private registration.
There was ONLY one minor clue that I'm still connected to this site in the registration. There is a "last updated" date, an expiration date, and a creation date. The creation date is 11 October 2001. I registered that domain on that date.
Now, it appears that she has changed her business name on the registration, which I forgot to mention earlier, in my prior whois database research. And I also had seen a different registrar name, so she was able to change that, too. She was my admin. contact, as part of her previous business, for the domain name registrations. She has an open door to them.
So, here's my serious quandary right now. I have no problem, and I fully support private domain name registrations. I think the world is crazy and I don't think addresses and phone numbers should be available in public databases, like this. Its rather inexpensive to register them private.
But, do you think, that we, as citizen's and human beings with rights, should be able to also safeguard against our own information being erroneously used in these same private databases? So, don't let me search for the owner of a domain, but let me search your database for my own NAME!
I want to know when someone is doing something illegally, on the internet, and my name, address, and phone number are attached to the domain name registrations, but are not public knowledge, so I'm unaware of it!
What is wrong with this picture?
To make my matter worse. Some crap is being built on the domain name now. Its basically not so much "operational", but "there". It appears to be organized affiliate, or fed links. There is no contact information, no email addresses, nothing.. no service name of who is hosting the account, who is building the site, etc.
So, what did I do? Well, I registered and I'm going to find a legal way to tell my story!
I know Kathleen's name. I know her business mailing address and phone number. I know one of the registrar's that she is affiliated with. I know her business name. I know her current domain. I don't have to disclose those things to tell my story. But I own the registration of that domain name, so am I wrong to exploit its story?
Her name is not associated on her "new" domain/website, but IS connected to her own registered domain, in a whois directory. I have not disclosed any specific information here that would link anyone to know who she is, unless they KNOW her.
Ironically, you might find it a great chuckle to know that her old domain and her current domain are both still registered to HER and are not privately registered. One was updated last month and one is expiring next month. There are two addresses and the same phone number.
MY domain is privately registered but her domain's are not?? Yeah, it seems legit to me, too! NOT!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Blame JoAnna!! More questions about ME! updated Mon. night
As much as I've been answering a lot of Q and A blogs, lately, JoAnna had some fun questions that make my life a lot more boring than hers, so I stole it.. here ya go.. (JoAnna B is niece to Douggie B.. you should check out her blog.. won't take her long to notice all Douggie's "followers" or "worshippers" LOL) I cracked up at her "Only in America" Blog and its so true.. I used to work for an ATM company.. its on them all because its cheaper than making another mold and to stock and organize one machine is so much more efficient (even though you'd be surprised how many options that are available to banks!)
Trudy has a great "Don't Close the Blinds" story to explain to a child why we are at war. I really started way back with the Iranian crisis and hostages when I had to teach my children what all this middle east "attention" was when it started up again. Schooling at home allowed us the days and days of research and questions and answers to give a different perspective than just one text book's representation.
I do support our troops and have many opinions of whether we should be anywhere or not.. but its a good representation of why its so so too late and why just ignoring it doesn't work, either. I'd apply it as a lesson for everyday life.
We have to know when to stay out of the den of a sleeping bear, too, though. Or is it more to not let the bear hibernate???
(yahoo spacing is all out of control again I've noticed.. sorry everyone!)
1. Have you ever been searched by the cops? No
2. Do you close your eyes on roller coaster? Yes, but the last one I was on, was what I would refer to as a "baby coaster" and I smacked my head on the side bar in the last jerking turn, and well, that big bruise and headache really ruined the whole idea of doing anymore for me!
3. When's the last time you've been sledding? *frown* Never, just like snow angels...
4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? Both, but mostly with someone most of the time, would be nice.
5. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes
6. Do you consider yourself creative? Yes
7. Do you think O.J. killed his wife? You mean with his own hands? Better question, would the LAPD let YOU or I parade around in a 30 mph police chase? I think I blogged how much they've helped me.
8. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie? Probably Jennifer, but I'm not sure I care.
9. Can you honestly say you know ANYTHING about politics? Much more than I'd rather think about or admit.
10. Do you know how to play poker? Yes
11. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? Yes, even not in child birth, too.
12. What's your favorite commercial? The Pepsi commercial where the rapper gets a ride in a Pepsi truck and everyone thinks its the new "IN" thing and they start buying and driving Pepsi delivery trucks around. Did they pimp them out? See how much tv I watch? (from the super bowl!)
13. Who was your first love? Eddie Echeverria and I wonder if he knows? I wonder if he'd find this if he Googled himself? *grin*
14. If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around you, do you run a red light? Only once and I still don't know why, I was just "somewhere else" in thought and my friend actually told me I ran it. I was in a residential neighborhood and even honked at the car that "cut me off" that had the green! Oh, to be 16-17 and non defensively driving.. ugh!
15. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you? Of Course
16. Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees? Well, The Dodgers or the Braves, actually. Go Marcus Giles! But for the sake of the question, I go with the Yanks, for sure.
17. Have you ever been Ice Skating? Well, yes, as a mom, who sat and watched her children learning. I really think that ice will hurt when I hit it and I know I will. So being an intelligent being and being able to add, its not going to happen in this lifetime.
18. How often do you remember your dreams? Not often. I have many journals but if I had a dream journal it would be blank, I think.
19. What's the one thing on your mind? Concern about the health of a dear friend.
20. Do you always wear your seat belt? Yes
21. What talent do you wish you had? I wish I could play the piano or paint even the "one stroke" method!
22. Do you like Sushi? Yes, if its cooked. I love eel, but avoid it (migraine trigger). I don't eat much cucumber anymore, unless its European (except in sushi). I don't like fake crab, either. My favorites are at sushi bars.. fried fantail with cream cheese, The Jax roll in Jacksonville, Florida, and Dynamite are some favorites.. I'll try any of it, if its not raw. I don't eat pickled ginger or wasabi. I prefer the rice on the outside, or "inside out" but I don't know why it matters to me. I even like it with brown rice. I prefer small rolls so you don't have to take a bite out of it.
23. What do you wear to bed? Well. Pajamas are my favorite clothing. I love them in cotton or satin. I love them with shorts or pants. I love pajama long shirts. I also love tanks and panties. I need someone else to "help" in the middle of the night with pets or children/family to get me in the buff all night long. Its also why I rarely sleep in just a tank and panties, too. I even love my plaid pajama pants that I wear in public that no one knows are jammies!! Men's cotton pajama pants are awesome too!
24. Do you truly hate anyone? I don't know anymore. I don't think so. There is such a fine line, though.
25. If you could sleep with one famous person, who would it be? No one, I would always want "more", so forget it.
26. Do you know anyone in jail? Sadly, yes!
27. What food do you find disgusting? Hmmm.. raw tuna or sushi, brussel sprouts, bad cole slaw,coconut grit (but love the flavor) orange carbonated soda, and olives. Is Beer a food?
28. Have you ever made fun of your friends behind their back? Yes, but I also agree, nothing that I would not tell them, say in front of them, or have already said to them. I'm with Carlos Mencia on this.
29. Have you ever been punched in the face? Well, I did get my jaw dislocated swing dancing one time with my ex-husband. I did not know it was dislocated for a few days, though. I just knew my mouth would not open and I couldn't do much more than stick a straw between my clenched teeth. Never trust your friends who are corpsman. I finally dug out a pain pill and when it started working, I laughed about something I had heard earlier that day, and it popped into place and was "all better" just like that!
30. Do you believe in angels and demons? Not in a way you'd think.
Trudy has a great "Don't Close the Blinds" story to explain to a child why we are at war. I really started way back with the Iranian crisis and hostages when I had to teach my children what all this middle east "attention" was when it started up again. Schooling at home allowed us the days and days of research and questions and answers to give a different perspective than just one text book's representation.
I do support our troops and have many opinions of whether we should be anywhere or not.. but its a good representation of why its so so too late and why just ignoring it doesn't work, either. I'd apply it as a lesson for everyday life.
We have to know when to stay out of the den of a sleeping bear, too, though. Or is it more to not let the bear hibernate???
(yahoo spacing is all out of control again I've noticed.. sorry everyone!)
1. Have you ever been searched by the cops? No
2. Do you close your eyes on roller coaster? Yes, but the last one I was on, was what I would refer to as a "baby coaster" and I smacked my head on the side bar in the last jerking turn, and well, that big bruise and headache really ruined the whole idea of doing anymore for me!
3. When's the last time you've been sledding? *frown* Never, just like snow angels...
4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? Both, but mostly with someone most of the time, would be nice.
5. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes
6. Do you consider yourself creative? Yes
7. Do you think O.J. killed his wife? You mean with his own hands? Better question, would the LAPD let YOU or I parade around in a 30 mph police chase? I think I blogged how much they've helped me.
8. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie? Probably Jennifer, but I'm not sure I care.
9. Can you honestly say you know ANYTHING about politics? Much more than I'd rather think about or admit.
10. Do you know how to play poker? Yes
11. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? Yes, even not in child birth, too.
12. What's your favorite commercial? The Pepsi commercial where the rapper gets a ride in a Pepsi truck and everyone thinks its the new "IN" thing and they start buying and driving Pepsi delivery trucks around. Did they pimp them out? See how much tv I watch? (from the super bowl!)
13. Who was your first love? Eddie Echeverria and I wonder if he knows? I wonder if he'd find this if he Googled himself? *grin*
14. If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around you, do you run a red light? Only once and I still don't know why, I was just "somewhere else" in thought and my friend actually told me I ran it. I was in a residential neighborhood and even honked at the car that "cut me off" that had the green! Oh, to be 16-17 and non defensively driving.. ugh!
15. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you? Of Course
16. Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees? Well, The Dodgers or the Braves, actually. Go Marcus Giles! But for the sake of the question, I go with the Yanks, for sure.
17. Have you ever been Ice Skating? Well, yes, as a mom, who sat and watched her children learning. I really think that ice will hurt when I hit it and I know I will. So being an intelligent being and being able to add, its not going to happen in this lifetime.
18. How often do you remember your dreams? Not often. I have many journals but if I had a dream journal it would be blank, I think.
19. What's the one thing on your mind? Concern about the health of a dear friend.
20. Do you always wear your seat belt? Yes
21. What talent do you wish you had? I wish I could play the piano or paint even the "one stroke" method!
22. Do you like Sushi? Yes, if its cooked. I love eel, but avoid it (migraine trigger). I don't eat much cucumber anymore, unless its European (except in sushi). I don't like fake crab, either. My favorites are at sushi bars.. fried fantail with cream cheese, The Jax roll in Jacksonville, Florida, and Dynamite are some favorites.. I'll try any of it, if its not raw. I don't eat pickled ginger or wasabi. I prefer the rice on the outside, or "inside out" but I don't know why it matters to me. I even like it with brown rice. I prefer small rolls so you don't have to take a bite out of it.
23. What do you wear to bed? Well. Pajamas are my favorite clothing. I love them in cotton or satin. I love them with shorts or pants. I love pajama long shirts. I also love tanks and panties. I need someone else to "help" in the middle of the night with pets or children/family to get me in the buff all night long. Its also why I rarely sleep in just a tank and panties, too. I even love my plaid pajama pants that I wear in public that no one knows are jammies!! Men's cotton pajama pants are awesome too!
24. Do you truly hate anyone? I don't know anymore. I don't think so. There is such a fine line, though.
25. If you could sleep with one famous person, who would it be? No one, I would always want "more", so forget it.
26. Do you know anyone in jail? Sadly, yes!
27. What food do you find disgusting? Hmmm.. raw tuna or sushi, brussel sprouts, bad cole slaw,coconut grit (but love the flavor) orange carbonated soda, and olives. Is Beer a food?
28. Have you ever made fun of your friends behind their back? Yes, but I also agree, nothing that I would not tell them, say in front of them, or have already said to them. I'm with Carlos Mencia on this.
29. Have you ever been punched in the face? Well, I did get my jaw dislocated swing dancing one time with my ex-husband. I did not know it was dislocated for a few days, though. I just knew my mouth would not open and I couldn't do much more than stick a straw between my clenched teeth. Never trust your friends who are corpsman. I finally dug out a pain pill and when it started working, I laughed about something I had heard earlier that day, and it popped into place and was "all better" just like that!
30. Do you believe in angels and demons? Not in a way you'd think.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
OOOH more stuff about ME!
OOOH more stuff about ME!! magnify
Aren't full size mirrors fun!?!
I'm getting into a more common size, I think, because no clothes in my size seem to be anywhere. Well, this is one of my new sweaters. It is brown.. I'll try to get a photo in the blue sweater, too. Hugz, ~Heidi
My blogsurfing brought me to JoAnna B's blog. Here are my answers to her questions:
1. What is the weirdest place you've ever fallen asleep? On a curb in an alley, in a rather populated area. I was walking home from school and really not feeling well. I decided to sit for a few minutes and umm, then woke up! I have no idea why no one worried about me, saw me, reported me, etc.. nor do I know how long I was asleep either.
2. What is your favorite fantasy? Hmmm... to be treated well and have a safe environment to just be a mom in between feeling like someone's momma. The other is a beach cottage rental for a month, or the whole summer.. alone (similar reason to drive a Miata)! And also being a home owner with a home-based businss with food and sundries delivery. LOL
3. If you had the power to kill and could get away with it no matter what, would you use your power? Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.. grab a shovel!
4. Your secret vice is? Denial. I am not blog addicted. I am not addicted to chat. I also hate to answer the telephone lately. I do not own every journal that is beautiful YET. (or how about simply pretzel rods dipped in white chocolate.
5. What super power would you love to have? Seeing charming people for who they really are? Being a blind fly on the wall in the guy I'm dating's parentsbedroom. Or better..knowing for sure when you are being played or lied to.
6. Respect or money? Respect
7. Blonde or Brunette in a partner? Brunette
8. Filet Mignon or Cheeseburger? Burger, but really I want the salad bar with great heart chunks of iceburg and romaine, cheese, beets, Chinese noodles *pref. dry rice*, and cottage cheese. Top it with a real read (not orange) French and a tad bit of Italian, shake Parmesan cheese on the top. I love to add a chopped up softer meat, like meatloaf or Salisbury steak or warm veggies and beans too.
9. Would you kill for the safety & security of another? No doubt. I don't live in Iran!
10. Ever been to jail? No, but I have a bail bondsman in Jacksonville, Florida! LOL
11. Ever cheated on a boyfriend, spouse or girlfriend? Yes
12. Highest education level? High school grad/ some college/ lot of life experience and self-learning.
13. Biggest turn on? Drakkar
14. Biggest turn off? Having a date talk about his mother in a way that IS your age, in his opinion, oblivious to it because he hasn't asked me any questions and then he
begins to wonder if I'm listening, by asking me fifty times.
As much as having to speak in anyone else's tone but my own!
Being underpaid or under appreciated. Like doing ten jobs for the already crappy pay to just do my own!
Being invited to a holiday meal as a date that is personally special to you, meeting every single family MEMBER, and then never speaking to him again within two weeks or so. Don't take me home to momma unless you feel the possibility of a future.
Charmers and Players. I don't want to be around a "PimP" in that state.
Not being able to bill a doctor for your time when your appointment is two hours behind schedule, or is canceled on your machine but you never got the msg, like he'd give his time for nothing? Yeah!
Being able to creatively write to my credit reporting bureau, why I won't pay the Neuro's 40 dollar no show fee.
15. What cd is in your car right now? Blessid Union Of Souls ~ Home
16. Do you think that women or men lie more often? I think integrity is a line both men and women have skipped. A lot of women scare me so they should worry men and if they don't.. run very fast! All you have is your handshake and your word. Follow Through!
Aren't full size mirrors fun!?!
I'm getting into a more common size, I think, because no clothes in my size seem to be anywhere. Well, this is one of my new sweaters. It is brown.. I'll try to get a photo in the blue sweater, too. Hugz, ~Heidi
My blogsurfing brought me to JoAnna B's blog. Here are my answers to her questions:
1. What is the weirdest place you've ever fallen asleep? On a curb in an alley, in a rather populated area. I was walking home from school and really not feeling well. I decided to sit for a few minutes and umm, then woke up! I have no idea why no one worried about me, saw me, reported me, etc.. nor do I know how long I was asleep either.
2. What is your favorite fantasy? Hmmm... to be treated well and have a safe environment to just be a mom in between feeling like someone's momma. The other is a beach cottage rental for a month, or the whole summer.. alone (similar reason to drive a Miata)! And also being a home owner with a home-based businss with food and sundries delivery. LOL
3. If you had the power to kill and could get away with it no matter what, would you use your power? Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.. grab a shovel!
4. Your secret vice is? Denial. I am not blog addicted. I am not addicted to chat. I also hate to answer the telephone lately. I do not own every journal that is beautiful YET. (or how about simply pretzel rods dipped in white chocolate.
5. What super power would you love to have? Seeing charming people for who they really are? Being a blind fly on the wall in the guy I'm dating's parentsbedroom. Or better..knowing for sure when you are being played or lied to.
6. Respect or money? Respect
7. Blonde or Brunette in a partner? Brunette
8. Filet Mignon or Cheeseburger? Burger, but really I want the salad bar with great heart chunks of iceburg and romaine, cheese, beets, Chinese noodles *pref. dry rice*, and cottage cheese. Top it with a real read (not orange) French and a tad bit of Italian, shake Parmesan cheese on the top. I love to add a chopped up softer meat, like meatloaf or Salisbury steak or warm veggies and beans too.
9. Would you kill for the safety & security of another? No doubt. I don't live in Iran!
10. Ever been to jail? No, but I have a bail bondsman in Jacksonville, Florida! LOL
11. Ever cheated on a boyfriend, spouse or girlfriend? Yes
12. Highest education level? High school grad/ some college/ lot of life experience and self-learning.
13. Biggest turn on? Drakkar
14. Biggest turn off? Having a date talk about his mother in a way that IS your age, in his opinion, oblivious to it because he hasn't asked me any questions and then he
begins to wonder if I'm listening, by asking me fifty times.
As much as having to speak in anyone else's tone but my own!
Being underpaid or under appreciated. Like doing ten jobs for the already crappy pay to just do my own!
Being invited to a holiday meal as a date that is personally special to you, meeting every single family MEMBER, and then never speaking to him again within two weeks or so. Don't take me home to momma unless you feel the possibility of a future.
Charmers and Players. I don't want to be around a "PimP" in that state.
Not being able to bill a doctor for your time when your appointment is two hours behind schedule, or is canceled on your machine but you never got the msg, like he'd give his time for nothing? Yeah!
Being able to creatively write to my credit reporting bureau, why I won't pay the Neuro's 40 dollar no show fee.
15. What cd is in your car right now? Blessid Union Of Souls ~ Home
16. Do you think that women or men lie more often? I think integrity is a line both men and women have skipped. A lot of women scare me so they should worry men and if they don't.. run very fast! All you have is your handshake and your word. Follow Through!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Stolen tag.. re-told 50 things about Me
I saw this tag on Premies blog.. and well felt an obligation to a new updated change of mind, possibility, while I lie trying to fall asleep and I'm supposed to be looking up info on the internet for the zoo here LOL
50 Questions about me.. its a new day.. so I'm feeling hopeful for fresh/new answers:
01. NICKNAME?... Mom, Momma, Mommy, Lady
03. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? .... last week? prob yesterday.. nope today at a Tink valentine card I bought for eldest just because she loves tink and I love her and miss her forever even if she hates me. She left her "I love you forever" book here. Thinking of buying her a new one and re-inscribing it.
04. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING….Yes and its part of my profession
05. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT….No Nitrate, No Nitrate boring turkey or just plain cheese sandwiches with mixture of prov, mozz and meunster are yummy too! I'm a hold most meat kind of girl.
06. DO YOU HAVE KIDS?.... yes, 3 teens, 13, 15, 17 boy in middle, tallest and taller than me.
08. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? ….Yes, hundreds
09. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT?... Rarely, but its a good ice breaker to start a conversation with a stranger
11. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP?.... HE double hockey sticks NO
12. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL?... Multi grain cheerios.
13. DO YOU TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU SIT DOWN?.....I remove my shoes first thing when entering home!
16. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?.. Their composre.. if they are comfortable and what I can do to help the situation. I am seriously aware of body signals.. closed ones especially.
17. RED OR PINK? …COMPLICATED QUESTION...COLOR OF WHAT?... Both but mostly Pink.. Its a girlie thing. I'm wearing Pink pajamas with rose and purple roses on them on cream backgrounds with fancy lacy red panties.. so what can I say?
18.WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE ABOUT YOUR SELF?......My inability to plunge into my business ideas easier. I'm needing a push off the fence. I need to have some one to bounce ideas and to do with, if you know what I mean.. the unknown is so scary to me.
19. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST?.... Many.. my family
20. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU?....Of course. I'm worth it.
21. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING?... described above.. no shoes.. purple socks to match the roses on the jammie pants
22. THE LAST THING YOU ATE?... Veggies.. peas, green beans, cabbage, beans, salad with beets, cheese, cottage cheese, Chinese noodles, vanilla ice cream with hot caramel sauce. Went to buffet at dinner tonight. I got the child's menu when I made a big deal that 9 bucks was a lot for the little I can eat.
23. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW?...A fan.. what do that call that? white noise!
25. FAVORITE SMELL?.....Fresh Clean Baby or Drakkar
26. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE?... Umm, the lady at the front desk. No cocoa.. only eight million types of coffee.. but I got a bag of ice.
27. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU?... Wasn't send, was stolen.. but sure
28. FAVORITE DRINK: Minute Maid Fruit Punch or Tropicana Pink lemonade in the can.
29. FAVORITE SPORT:... Major League Baseball.. no doubt!
30. HAIR COLOR:... I call it Nutmeg. Look into a jar. Its different shade of brown and some red..
31. EYE COLOR;... Hazel Green and omg, my son and I matched his shirt yesterday.. awesome color of green.
33. FAVORITE FOOD?... Hmm, ummm.. caramel.. lemon curd, creme brulee, cook shrimp nigiri, steams soy beans (left at home to rot in the fridge I just remembered.
34. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDING?... HAPPY ENDING (I like endings like the Sixth Sense, though!)
35. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED?... Don't know name.. was some child's rental from the BB.. mostly I rent tv series DVD's. I think The Da Vinci code was recent though.
36. WHAT COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING?... Cream jammie long sleeved shirt with rose embroidered to match bottoms.
37. SUMMER OR WINTER?... Winter
38. HUGS OR KISSES?...Both
39. FAVORITE DESSERT?... Def. the Creme Brulee of Flan. Fried ice cream if rolled in corn flakes, vanilla ice cream and drizzled in honey.
40. MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND?... My Friends who care and KNOW they have changed since the last time they posted this.
42. WHAT DID YOU WATCH ON TV LAST NIGHT?... The road as I travelled all ngith fora short trip to sleep at finally around 6am.
43. DO YOU HAVE PETS?... Two spoiled rotten indoor cats!
45. WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE SOUNDS?... A stream from a tent, rain pitter pattering, the coo of a baby, and the newborn cry. Worry less and let s hear them cry.
46. ROLLING STONES OR BEATLES?... 40 Licks Blog?? But, both!
48. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? ... I sing, web design, run a few businesses, home school, crochet my own cloths.. many many more to find..
49. WHERE WERE YOU BORN?... San Diego, Cali
50 Questions about me.. its a new day.. so I'm feeling hopeful for fresh/new answers:
Now, here`s what you`re supposed to do...and please do not spoil the fun. Copy and paste onto your page, delete my answers and type in your answers. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known facts about those who know you. Then Tag 8 people on their pages telling them to read your blog and continue the game.
01. NICKNAME?... Mom, Momma, Mommy, Lady
03. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? .... last week? prob yesterday.. nope today at a Tink valentine card I bought for eldest just because she loves tink and I love her and miss her forever even if she hates me. She left her "I love you forever" book here. Thinking of buying her a new one and re-inscribing it.
04. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING….Yes and its part of my profession
05. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT….No Nitrate, No Nitrate boring turkey or just plain cheese sandwiches with mixture of prov, mozz and meunster are yummy too! I'm a hold most meat kind of girl.
06. DO YOU HAVE KIDS?.... yes, 3 teens, 13, 15, 17 boy in middle, tallest and taller than me.
08. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? ….Yes, hundreds
09. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT?... Rarely, but its a good ice breaker to start a conversation with a stranger
11. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP?.... HE double hockey sticks NO
12. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL?... Multi grain cheerios.
13. DO YOU TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU SIT DOWN?.....I remove my shoes first thing when entering home!
16. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?.. Their composre.. if they are comfortable and what I can do to help the situation. I am seriously aware of body signals.. closed ones especially.
17. RED OR PINK? …COMPLICATED QUESTION...COLOR OF WHAT?... Both but mostly Pink.. Its a girlie thing. I'm wearing Pink pajamas with rose and purple roses on them on cream backgrounds with fancy lacy red panties.. so what can I say?
18.WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE ABOUT YOUR SELF?......My inability to plunge into my business ideas easier. I'm needing a push off the fence. I need to have some one to bounce ideas and to do with, if you know what I mean.. the unknown is so scary to me.
19. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST?.... Many.. my family
20. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU?....Of course. I'm worth it.
21. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING?... described above.. no shoes.. purple socks to match the roses on the jammie pants
22. THE LAST THING YOU ATE?... Veggies.. peas, green beans, cabbage, beans, salad with beets, cheese, cottage cheese, Chinese noodles, vanilla ice cream with hot caramel sauce. Went to buffet at dinner tonight. I got the child's menu when I made a big deal that 9 bucks was a lot for the little I can eat.
23. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW?...A fan.. what do that call that? white noise!
25. FAVORITE SMELL?.....Fresh Clean Baby or Drakkar
26. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE?... Umm, the lady at the front desk. No cocoa.. only eight million types of coffee.. but I got a bag of ice.
27. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU?... Wasn't send, was stolen.. but sure
28. FAVORITE DRINK: Minute Maid Fruit Punch or Tropicana Pink lemonade in the can.
29. FAVORITE SPORT:... Major League Baseball.. no doubt!
30. HAIR COLOR:... I call it Nutmeg. Look into a jar. Its different shade of brown and some red..
31. EYE COLOR;... Hazel Green and omg, my son and I matched his shirt yesterday.. awesome color of green.
33. FAVORITE FOOD?... Hmm, ummm.. caramel.. lemon curd, creme brulee, cook shrimp nigiri, steams soy beans (left at home to rot in the fridge I just remembered.
34. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDING?... HAPPY ENDING (I like endings like the Sixth Sense, though!)
35. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED?... Don't know name.. was some child's rental from the BB.. mostly I rent tv series DVD's. I think The Da Vinci code was recent though.
36. WHAT COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING?... Cream jammie long sleeved shirt with rose embroidered to match bottoms.
37. SUMMER OR WINTER?... Winter
38. HUGS OR KISSES?...Both
39. FAVORITE DESSERT?... Def. the Creme Brulee of Flan. Fried ice cream if rolled in corn flakes, vanilla ice cream and drizzled in honey.
40. MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND?... My Friends who care and KNOW they have changed since the last time they posted this.
42. WHAT DID YOU WATCH ON TV LAST NIGHT?... The road as I travelled all ngith fora short trip to sleep at finally around 6am.
43. DO YOU HAVE PETS?... Two spoiled rotten indoor cats!
45. WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE SOUNDS?... A stream from a tent, rain pitter pattering, the coo of a baby, and the newborn cry. Worry less and let s hear them cry.
46. ROLLING STONES OR BEATLES?... 40 Licks Blog?? But, both!
48. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? ... I sing, web design, run a few businesses, home school, crochet my own cloths.. many many more to find..
49. WHERE WERE YOU BORN?... San Diego, Cali
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