Saturday, April 26, 2008

Todo Before I die - Friday Five

Hello everyone it's that time of the week again for Friday Five this week's theme is brought to you by kwika. This week’s theme is five things on your "to do before you die" list.  It could be historical, public or personal be sure to check his page out - Copy this to your blog, including your responses, and be sure to come back here to add your link to the comments. Remember we decided that only the weekly prompts would be posted to the Group Blog:  Any other questions, comments, or suggestions should be posted in comments or to the Group Notes.
1. Tour Egypt. Visit the Valley of the God's and swim at Sharm el-Sheikh.
2. Finish my degree, via Paralegal, to Law School.
3. Take a concealed weapons course and buy My Gun. *twisted thoughts about this*
4. Photo Journal/Blog, across the US, my family history.
5. Publish my Family History "Thus Far" Called FamilyHugz!