Thursday, January 10, 2008

ABC's of Me

The A,B,C's of Me stolen from here.

A - Available - Sometimes?  To my clients and friends 24/7
B - Best Friends - Many
C - Crush - Yes, I have one! *grin*
D - Dad's Name- Michael
E - Easiest Person To Talk To - Tom, my cat.

F - Favorite Band - Music is life. I can't have just one.

G - Gummy Bears Or Worms - Bears
H - Hometown - San Diego, CA

I - Instrument - Voice
J - Job - Self employed

K - Kids - 3

L - Longest Car Ride - San Diego, CA to Jacksonville, FL
M - Milk Flavor - Horizon Organice Fat Free is not a flavor.. but its my choice.

N - Number Of Siblings - 3 brothers

O - One Wish - Egypt

P - Phobias -  Migraine

Q - Favorite Quote  - The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
Ronald Reagan

R - Reason To Smile - Babies

S - Song You Last Heard - Colbie Caillat "Bubbly"
T - Time You Woke Up - 4pm (went down at noon)
U - Unknown Fact About Me - I almost always chat in pajamas

V - Vegetable - Asparagus

W - Worst Habits - Disorganization.

X - X-Rays You've Had - ALL

Y - Your Favorite Food - Calzone

Z - Zodiac Sign - AriesA

Peeking into My World

Stolen from Rain
Do you love someone?   Yes
Do you believe in love at first sight?   No.  I believe in lust at first sight.
Do you believe in Love? Yes.
Are you currently mad at someone?   No.
Which of your family members has the worst temper?   The eldest of my three younger brothers.
Is anyone mad at you?  Probably. *giggle*
Are you usually mad?   No.
When you're mad do you prefer to talk right away or talk later? Later.
Name:   Heidi
Birthday:   April 15
What's your main goal in life?  To  make a difference.
Do you want/have children?   I have three teens.
Would you like to predict your death?   No. I don't want to know, either.
Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you?   No
What event is coming up that you're most excited about?   Vacation
If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought?  I'd move.
If you could have anything right now what would it be?  Peace of Mind
Are you against gay marriage? No. I think some things are best left to God to judge.  It should not be a government issue.
Lower the drinking age?  No. It won't make anything better.
Capital Punishment?   Yes.  Consequences are good forms of prevention.
Abortion? Its not my place to judge, nor should it be a government issue. I would never have one.
How many friends did you talk to today?  Onlne, one. 
Name one thing that you do everyday?  Sing
How much cash do you have on you right now?  On my body: none.  In my purse: Maybe $60
Look to your left- what could you use as a weapon?   Pepper spray attached to my purse.
What websites do you visit the most?   Google, Blogger, Multiply,
Do you have plants in your room?  Which room? The poinsettia are in the foyer, still.  I don't think they have much life in them. I won't water tham in here.  There is one live tree that lives in my kitchen, in the picture window.   I think my bathrooms need ivy and pothos again.
Movie watched in Cinema:  August Rush
Person you talked on the phone with?  David
Bubble Bath you took?  My tub is broken. Can I use yours? Please?
Ball game you watched?  I watched mlb in the scoreboards, last year. I probably saw a live game on Turner, so the Braves.
What is today?   Saturday, January 19, 2008
Anything in your planner or calendar?  SC Primary, Grocery shopping,  work
What will you do tonight?  Work and possibly chat
What are you going to eat?  I had 2 boiled eggs, sliced chicken breast and muenster cheese.
What time did you wake up?  Didn't go down until noon.
Is:  Sunday, January 20, 2008
Are you Looking forward to it?  Yes.  Preparing to go out of town, next weekend.
Are you going to laugh?  Probably.
What is good about tomorrow?  The best is yet to come..